Research projects
The primary object of research are procedures for measuring research output. QuaMedFo-ZBW systematically analyses the quantitatives and contents of a large sample of medical literature and topics.
More about QuaMedFo:
The research group studies the effects of external scholarly communication on the citation rate and altmetrics of papers, in particular the dissemination of scientific content through journalistic and social media.
More about MeWiKo:
The research group studies the bibliometrics of the transformation from traditional to Open Access publishing and analyses existing (possibly future) strategies and conflicts in publishing related to Open Access.
More about OASE:
The main objective of this project is to develop a deeper understanding of alternative metrics, especially in terms of their general significance and their perception amongst stakeholders. To this end, key considerations will include the quality of *metrics underlying data, the historical context in which they arose, as well as their ability to adequately assess scientific outputs against the background of disciplinary specificities.
More about *metrics:
The project addresses the problem of which infrastructural, organisational and didactical framework conditions are required to develop sustainable digital educational resources for tertiary education in cooperation with stakeholders.
More about EDUArc:
KOLab is a joint lab based on the Leibniz Association’s position paper for the Pact for Research and Innovation where the ZBW and the University of Kiel are partners. It consists of a technical infrastructure for processing and managing research data generated or reused by various projects.
Q-Aktiv is a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The objective is to improve the forecasting methods for the dynamics and interrelations between research, technological development and innovation.
More about Q-Aktiv:
The project InnOAcceSS develops a sustainable model for publisher-independent Open Access journals.
More about InnOAcceSS:
SINIR –“„Simulating Interactive Information Retrieval” develops simulation environments for digital libraries wishing to shorten their innovation cycles through simulated user behaviour. The ZBW’s partners in this project are the universities of Passau and Weimar.
More information about research at the ZBW: