Contribute to the economic and social policy debate in Europe
Practical guide Intereconomics

Use the journal Intereconomics as a platform for your contribution to economic and social policy debates at the European level
What kind of journal is Intereconomics?
Intereconomics is an Open Access journal published jointly by the ZBW and the CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies. For 55 years, it has been publishing articles that enrich the international debate on economic and social policy. The focus is on European topics.
How is Intereconomics published?
Since January 2020, Intereconomics has been published in Gold Open Access, i.e. all articles are freely available online on first release. The journal is published six times per year by Springer.
What can I publish in Intereconomics?
Does your research have policy-relevant aspects that can deliver topical findings for decision makers? Can it foster the exchange of ideas about improving political proposals? Then you should consider publishing in Intereconomics.
Submitted articles should not have been published previously elsewhere. Depending on the section in which you want to place your contribution, it should have a length between 1,300 and 5,000 words (including footnotes):
- The Editorial, a brief comment on a current political affair with no more than 1,300 words;
- In the Forum researchers, stakeholders, and experts from industry and politics discuss (usually by invitation) urgent issues with 2,500–4,000 words per article;
- Articles resulting from empirical research which address a topic or trend in economic policy should have a length between 3,000 and 5,000 words;
- In Letter from America, US economists analyse transatlantic issues in less than 1,300 words.
How do I submit my paper?
You can submit your manuscript electronically as an email attachment (Word or RTF) to:
Frauke Warmbier, Intereconomics/ZBW or
Notes for authors and quotations can be found here.
In which languages can I submit papers?
Intereconomics is published exclusively in English.
Do I retain the rights in my contribution?
If you publish in Intereconomics as an author, you retain the copyright in your articles and are free to reproduce and to disseminate your work. All contributions are published under a CC BY 4.0 licence.
Who is the target group of the journal?
Political decision makers are the main target group. However, it also includes researchers, media representatives and the general public in its target group.
Do I have to pay for publishing a paper?
Intereconomics publishes your paper without author fees. Article processing charges are borne by the ZBW. The service is free of cost to you, like all other ZBW services.
Will my paper be peer reviewed?
The editorial team checks and edits your paper thoroughly. The journal is committed to enriching current politica debate. This requires and guarantees speedy publication.
What are the benefits if I publish in Intereconomics?
Visibility, reach, and participation in the political debate. The ZBW disseminates your Open Access papers. They can be found on the websites of Springer and Intereconomics, and they are available through our portal EconBiz and our Open Access repository EconStor. Through EconStor, publications are disseminated into other portals and search engines.
The journal’s reach has grown with the conversion to Open Access as can be seen in the number of downloads: in 2020, the number of downloads increased by 82,729 compared to 2019. The full numbers are 560,760 in 2019 and 649,489 in 2020, which corresponds to an increase of 16 per cent. For the first six months of 2021, 470,373 downloads have already been counted.
Date: August 2021
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