Organise knowledge transfer efficiently

Most universities now pursue knowledge transfer as a “Third Mission” besides the core tasks of research and teaching. Do you want to contribute efficiently and purposefully to this field and to improve the dialogue with business, politics and society? Then do like every good start-up does. A start-up must present a business plan which explains the market gap it wants to close, the customer groups it wants to serve and what their needs and wishes are. Knowledge transfer – better still knowledge dialogue – works just the same. Different stakeholders have different needs and problems.
Duration 15 min
Before you go into your next interview, prepare your next podcast, give a presentation before non-scholarly deciders or write a text for your university’s website, ask yourself:
- Who exactly will listen to, look at, or read my contribution?
- Why do these people want to listen to, look at, or read my contribution?
- What is the problem that my contribution can solve for these people? Do they want to understand a known issue better, are they looking for cooperation partners in a joint project, or do they need answers for a concrete entrepreneurial question?
- Why do you undertake this work in this particular format (text, interview, presentation…)? What would it need to be memorable to you?
- Identify target group
- Empathise with your target group
- Reflect on your own motivation
Date: September 2020
Questions, comments and notes are welcome at