Publishing in an Open Access journal

Publishing in Open Access means there are no financial or copyright obstacles between your research findings and your readers. Everyone who is interested can access your publication without costs. One logical consequence of this is increased visibility for you. The Directory of Open Access Journals helps you to find a suitable journal.
Duration 15 min
You want to publish your paper in an Open Access journal but do not know which one? There are two good options:
- Talk to the Open Access officer of your university. If no one at your institution holds such a position you are welcome to talk to our Open Access officer. Here are the contact details.
- Search the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
- The Directory of Open Access Journals is the leading catalogue of all Open Access journals.
- Journals listed here are scrutinised closely and individually to filter fake journals (so-called predatory journals).
- It currently indexes 15,000 Open Access journals from all fields of natural sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences and You can see quickly how peer review in journals is organised (open, blind or double blind).humanities.
- Bei der Suche nach Journals erkennen Sie schnell, wie das Peer Review organisiert ist (open, blind oder double blind).
Have fun exploring the site.
- Find the Open Access officer of your institution
- Browse the Directory of Open Access Journals
- Share your knowledge with your colleaguesErkenntnisse mit den Kolleg*innen geteilt
Date: September 2020
Questions, comments and notes are welcome at