Speed up your publishing process with an ORCID ID

Improve the visibility of your research and speed up your publishing process by transferring standard information automatically, for instance with your ORCID ID.
The ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an identification number for authors with unlimited validity. It gives you a persistent ID that will accompany you for your entire career, even if you change your name or university. Even if your research findings and activities are not indexed in databases such as Web of Science or Scopus, they can still be correctly and automatically attributed to you and can be found at any time.
Duration: 3 min.
Go to the homepage of www.orcid.org.
Under “1 – Register” you can get your ORCID ID. A profile is created automatically. The profile shows your name and your ORCID. A confirmation e-mail will be sent within a few minutes.
That’s it.
If you want to continue, you can complete your profile with additional information. Each section has privacy settings, so you can decide which information is to be public, which is to be visible to select persons and which is visible only to you. And now you can get started and use your ORCID ID for preregistration, for example.
- Create ORCID ID
- Use ORCID ID at least once
Date: September 2020
Questions, comments and notes are welcome at open-science@zbw.eu