Welcome to Open Science Magazine!

Rethinking science together.

The future is Open Science.

The Open Science Magazine invites you to discover science in the digital age: new, modern, future-oriented. Every month we propose new perspectives, articles, podcasts and work sheets around Open Science to inspire you. Let us learn, grow and advance together.


Photo of Dr Lars Vilhuber and Prof Joachim Gassen

Promotion of reproducibility and replication in economic research

ZBW symposium discusses research transparency in economics


EOSC Symposium

ZBW as a driver of the Open Science movement

In favour of open, accessible science


FORRT: An open science initiative

Interview with Flavio Azevedo

to the practical guide

Did you know that the ZBW has one of the largest research groups in the field of Open Science?

Take a look and discover interesting research areas.


Photo of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus M. Schmidt

Rethinking science: The challenges and opportunities of the open access transformation

Professor Dr Dr h.c. Klaus M. Schmidt on his Open Science experiences

to the interview

Acquire replication skills during your studies

Interview with Lars Vilhuber about Open Science and reproducibility in teaching

to the interview

Photo of Chuan LI

Replication as the key to transparency

Interview with Chuan Liu about the role of the Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics

to the interview

„The free flow of information is a key factor in scientific progress. Open Science makes a significant contribution to this.”

Prof. Dr. Ernst Fehr



Increase the visibility of your own data

How can I give more visibility on the web to my data?

to the worksheet


Publishing in an Open Access journal

Two different approaches to publishing in Open Access

to the worksheet


The Fair Principles for research data

Explaining metadata standards briefly

to the worksheet

Practical Guides

FORRT: An open science initiative

Interview with Flavio Azevedo

to the practical guide

Photo of a work situation with a laptop

Finding literature with EconBiz

Gaining access not only to Open Access publications

to the practical guide


Practical Open Science tips for download III

The e-training plan for more Open Science in daily routine

to the practical guide

„Open Science not only enables the effective exchange of research results and thus ensures fundamental scientific progress, but also creates important transparency for the networking of all scientists worldwide.”

Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert


Screenshot der CORE Econ Webseite

Open educational resources for economics

A brief portrait of the CORE Econ education portal

to the article

a golden key on a white background with the word incentives written on it

Drivers and obstacles for Open Science

A report by the European Commission

to the article

a light bulb containing a pink brain on a light blue background

Networking science and innovation

Mexican researchers explore new ways of thinking

to the article

The ZBW promotes Open Science in economics through networking, advice and practical initiatives. Find out more in our section “Together for Open Science”.

Together for Open Science

Photo of Dr Lars Vilhuber and Prof Joachim Gassen

Promotion of reproducibility and replication in economic research

ZBW symposium discusses research transparency in economics


EOSC Symposium

ZBW as a driver of the Open Science movement

In favour of open, accessible science


Portrait von Jens Lazarus

Negotiating new business models with publishers

Open Access Transformation: The ZBW negotiates for free access to economic science


Do you have any questions or suggestions? Then please contact:

Dr. Doreen Siegfried

Head of Marketing & Public Relations
Editor of Open Science Magazine
E: d.siegfried@zbw-online.eu
T: +49 431 8814-455

Dr. Guido Scherp
Head of Open Science Transfer
E: g.scherp@zbw-online.eu
T: +49 431 8814-456