
Screenshot der CORE Econ Webseite

Open educational resources for economics

A brief portrait of the CORE Econ education portal

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a golden key on a white background with the word incentives written on it

Drivers and obstacles for Open Science

A report by the European Commission

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a light bulb containing a pink brain on a light blue background

Networking science and innovation

Mexican researchers explore new ways of thinking

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Three highlights in the NFDI consortium BERD@NFDI

Legal advice, knowledge graphs and BERD Academy

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How the BERD@NFDI platform promotes Open Science

BERD@NFDI and the unstructured data age

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Advanced data analysis and research management with BERD@NFDI

Tips and Experiences With Reproducibility ChecksThe integration of unstructured data into economic research processes

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A brain with dumbbells on a pink background

Responsible Open Science

Training materials for the social sciences from the ROSiE project

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A woman with glasses holds up a book.

Open Science Education

A didactic framework: Recommendations from the EU project ROSiE

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A laptop monitor with Watch List written on it, next to it a cup of coffee and a croissant

Open Science in sound and vision

A watch list for practising transparent research.

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Photo of sticky note with Helpful Tips written on it

Generation O: the progressive avant-garde of Open Science shapers

Open Science for newbies: practical steps to a world of openness and collaboration

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Photo of a working situation with four people at the table

The effects of incentive systems in the academic world on the quality of science

Scientific transparency and appreciation: the key to creating a more sustainable and more objective research landscape

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The problem of reproducibility in economics

Assistance for economic researchers: How to make your research reproducible

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Photo of the word "Trust" written in the sand

Open Science and the trust of the public in science

Two studies test if transparency in research creates public trust

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All about the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

Part 3: What is the ZBW’s contribution to KonsortSWD?

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All about the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

Part 2: What is the ZBW’s contribution to BERD@NFDI?

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All about the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

Part 1: What is NFDI?

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Why Open Science?

Three benefits of Open Science for your daily work

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Illustration Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics

New: Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics (JCRE)

The Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics (JCRE) is the successor of the International Journal for Re-views in Empirical Economics (IREE) and starts now!

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Stop Tracking Science

How academic publishers use usage statistics for their own purposes

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Photo of a laboratory situation Source: Shutterstock

Generation O: Openness is the way to go

Open Science as the “new normal” after the crisis?

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Two men and a woman sit at a table with laptops in a work situation

Replication studies and their value for society

Why economists should do more replication studies

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Photo of two female people

Future trend connectivity

Trends in science communication as exemplified by Open Science

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Open Economics: Open Science practices permeate the discipline

Results of an empirical study of transparency and openness in the everyday working lives of economists

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