Practical guide Preregistration in economic researchA guide to greater transparencyto the practical guideOpen Science badgesIncentives for transparent scienceto the practical guideFORRT: An open science initiativeInterview with Flavio Azevedoto the practical guideFinding literature with EconBizGaining access not only to Open Access publicationsto the practical guidePractical Open Science tips for download IIIThe e-training plan for more Open Science in daily routineto the practical guidePractical Open Science tips for download IThe e-dossier for economic practiceto the practical guidePractical Open Science tips for download IIThe e-dossier für science communication with Social Mediato the practical guideContribute to the economic and social policy debate in EuropePublishing in the economic policy Journal Intereconomicsto the practical guideMake your voice heard in economic policy debatePublishing in the economic policy Journal Wirtschaftsdienstto the practical guidePublishing papers on EconStor – THE Open Access Repository for economicsEconStor is the ZBW’s repository which offers research literature in Open Access and makes it findable through various portals and search the practical guidePublishing replications in the International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics (IREE)IREE is the first journal in economics dedicated to the publication of replication the practical guideAssessing researchers with regard to Open SciencePRACTICAL GUIDE 12: Assessing researchers with regard to Open Scienceto the practical guideA different way of evaluating researchPRACTICAL GUIDE 11: A different way of evaluating researchto the practical guideHow to disseminate your data wellPRACTICAL GUIDE 10: How to disseminate your data wellto the practical guideMaking research data availablePRACTICAL GUIDE 9: Making research data availableto the practical guideDissemination of your publications in Open AccessPRACTICAL GUIDE 8: Dissemination of your publications in Open Accessto the practical guidePlanning data managementPRACTICAL GUIDE 6: Planning data managementto the practical guideWorking reproducibly: for yourself, for othersPRACTICAL GUIDE 7: Working reproducibly: for yourself, for othersto the practical guideUsing freely accessible resourcesPRACTICAL GUIDE 5: Using freely accessible resourcesto the practical guideScience communication with social media – risks and how to manage themPRACTICAL GUIDE 4: Risks and how to manage themto the practical guideScience communication with social media – evaluation and impactPRACTICAL GUIDE 3: Evaluation and impactto the practical guideScience communication with social media – the choice of the proper toolsPRACTICAL GUIDE 2: The choice of the proper toolsto the practical guideScience communication with social media – preparationPRACTICAL GUIDE 1: Preparationto the practical guide