Worksheets Increase the visibility of your own dataHow can I give more visibility on the web to my data? worksheetPublishing in an Open Access journalTwo different approaches to publishing in Open Access worksheetThe Fair Principles for research dataExplaining metadata standards briefly worksheetDemonstrate coding skillsHow to use GitHub successfully worksheetOpen educational resourcesLicensing tips for making OER reusable worksheetPresenting knowledge transfer clearlyHow to write understandably worksheetGet credits for datasetsData archives that economists should know worksheetOrganise knowledge transfer efficientlyQuestions you should clarify before your next presentation worksheetIncrease your visibility with transparent dataWork sheet 7: How you can publish your research data worksheetAnonymise DatasetsTips for anonymising your data worksheetMore visibility after conferencesHow you can prolong your visibility beyond the actual event worksheetPublish apparently insignificant resultsWorksheet 10: How to save your time, nerves and money with pre-registration worksheetTalk about research dataWork sheet 9: How you can invite others to collaborate with Open Science worksheetIncrease your visibilityWork sheet 8: Where you can communicate your openness worksheetPractise your Elevator pitch with Family & friendsWorksheet 11: How you can practise your pitch with friends & family worksheetLink your own paper and the analysis efficientlyWork sheet 5: How to organise your research from the beginning worksheetMake your pre-print accessibleWork sheet 6: How to present your pre-print to your peers worksheetIncrease your visibilityWork sheet 1: How to be more visible to your peers and funders worksheetImprove your research with preregistrationWork sheet 2: How to document decisions systematically worksheetSpeed up your publishing process with an ORCID IDWork sheet 3: How to save time with automatic standardised information worksheetMake your own data sustainable and transparentWork sheet 4: How to upload your data to an online repository worksheet